De Niro x St.Pr.A. Samoa (San Amour x Rubin Royal)
Expected: Apr 2016
De Niro

St. Pr. A. Samoa
Our Brilliant Ring mare St. Pr. A Samoa (San Amour x Rubin Royal x Burgraff) is in foal to the most successful dressage sire the world has ever seen, De Niro. De Niro was ranked first by the World Breeding Federation for Sports Horses for the third year in 2015, meaning that he has more offspring competing successfully at Grand Prix than any other sire and his influence is now thought to be greater even than that of Donnerhall. De Niro has also sired more than 70 licensed stallions. With De Niro's ability to confer talent for the Grand Prix, and Samoa's superb paces and conformation, we believe this combination should be very successful.
Bordeaux x Sandro Hit x De Niro x Rubinstein foal due April 2016
Expected: Mar 2016
Elite Lady Sun
Elite Lady Sun is in foal to Small Tour champion Bordeaux (United x Gribaldi x Donnerhall) the KWPN licensing and performance test champion, and now one of Germany's most successful sires with a breeding value of 164 points. This is a repeat breeding as the 2015 foal (pictured above) was so wonderful. Donnerhall features on both sides of the pedigree, along with 5 other Grand Prix stallions: De Niro, Rubinstein, Partout, Krack C and Gribaldi, and two PSG/Inter I stallions Sandro Hit and United. Her mother, Lady Sun, is Elite (having bred a licensed stallion and several State Premium mares) and so too is her grand mother, great grandmother and great great grandmother. The licensed stallions Decamerone, Touch of Love and Furst Wilhelm share the same great grandmother. And one of the PSI auction price highlights, the stunning Bonaire, will be a very close relative. A is video of Bonaire can be seen at the end of the video of Bordeaux on the Schockemoehle web site. Bordeaux though not yet 10 years old is already well on his way to Grand Prix.
Dimaggio x Furst Heinrich x Der Clou foal due June 2015
Expected: Jun 2015
St.Pr. Floria
In 2013 Floria had a beautiful Dimaggio colt with super movement and conformation, so we have repeated the breeding.
Furstenball x Sandro Hit x De Niro foal due May 2015
Expected: Jun 2015

El/St.Pr. Lady Sunshine
Lady Sunshine is in foal to Furstenball for the third time in a row as her Furstenball foals in 2013 and 2014 were so exceptional.
Zack x Don Frederico x Davignon foal due May 2015
Expected: May 2015
Blue Hors Zack

St.Pr. Double Diamond
We believe that the Danish Stallion of the Year 2014 and father of Sezuan, Zee Me Blue and Zatchmo, will be a really super match for Double Diamond.
Danciano x Rhodiamant x Donnerhall foal due April 2015
Expected: May 2015
Pr. Royal Romantic
Royal Romantic is in foal to Danciano, a repetition of her 2013 breeding as her 2014 foal was so good. Danciano was the Hanoverian Vice Champion of Verden 2012. At the 30-Day test in Schlickau 2013, Danciano received the highest overall mark of 8.48, with a mark of 8.91 for stallions with an emphasis on dressage - this included an award of 10 for his trot. In 2014 Danciano achieved wins and placings in riding horse and conformation classes.
Negro x Special D x Equador foal due April 2015
Expected: Apr 2015

Zouelle is in foal to Negro. His fame as the sire of Valegro is well known. He also debuted at Grand Prix with 74% and did the piaffe and passage exercises with ease. He was overall Reserve Champion at his Stallion Performance Test in 1998 where he was described as an 'honest, reliable stallion that really likes to go. The walk is big and powerful, his trot has a lot of impulsion and he has a scopey, powerful canter'. We believe his strong conformation will suit Zouelle's elegant frame admirably.